Public Meeting with Developer

July 29, 2017

The developer held a meeting for the public on Saturday, July 29, 2017 to explain his intentions. Unfortunately, none of the consultants who had prepared the reports in the submission to MNR were present to answer questions related to the reports.

During the meeting the develop indicated that they would make the following adjustments to their submission:
  • Drop the annual aggregate removal from 285,000 tonnes/year to 75,000 tonnes/year. This is still an outrageous level - especially as the developer states that the market and his plans are to draw a maximum 10,000 tonnes/year. This leaves a huge time bomb handing over the property owners at Harvey Lake, with no logical explanation of the reason for the very large upside. Haulage at the maximum level would have a very material and adverse impact on the environment and noise levels and would mean encroaching on Phase Two of the developer's operation plan. This phase immediately abuts sensitive wetlands.
  • Change the hours of operation from 24/7 to: Restrict Site Clearing to Sept 1 - April 30 Migratory bird breeding season) unless area field checked - but the caveat added "could be modified"
  • Drilling Blasting and Crushing: Operations 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. Blasting 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. No drilling or blasting between third weekend in June until after the Labour Day weekend on Hauling. In addition to hauling during operating hours, trucks can haul between 8am and 5pm on Saturdays.
These changes, do little to change the objectionable nature of this application.

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